Your journey to radiant health starts here…

Want to find and heal the root causes of your health issues?

Imagine feeling really well again. Hormones balanced, skin clear, lots of energy.

Are you struggling to get out of bed every morning?

Are your hormones running your life?

Is your digestion giving you jip?

Is your skin embarrasing you?

You don’t have to put up with these issues!

My name is Clare Badrick, and I have helped hundred’s of people just like you, to regain their health.


Are you fed up with never feeling really well?

You’re stuck in hormonal hell, you’re fed up with covering up your skin, or being too tired to enjoy life. You can’t actually remember when you last felt free of any niggles and full of energy.

Conventional tests don’t find anything wrong, or maybe you’ve lost faith in the conventional medical approach.

You want to get better but you’ve no idea how to do it.

You want to feel well, have energy again, go back to your exercise class.

You want to feel more hormonally stable or not be ashamed of your skin issue. You want to be able to eat foods without feeling bloated. And to sleep deeply and feel refreshed in the morning.

You think you are looking after yourself and so don’t understand why you are having these issues. You believe you ought to be able to resolve them (although some days you have your doubts), if only you could find the right person to help.

I help people like you, restore your health from the inside out and start to feel really well again!


My approach is to combine modern science with ancient wisdom to help you achieve your health goals.

I offer different programs based on your health needs…

Hormonal Health from Within program

Ideal Weight from Within program

Perfect Skin from Within program

Vibrant Energy from Within program

Total Health from Within program

As well as a limited number of osteopathic appointments per month.

I help people to transform their health by using a powerful combination of ancient wisdom and cutting edge science. With my unique set of skills and experience, my advanced state of the art technology and with my ability to truly listen to you – I help guide you step by step to the transformations you want to make in your health and your life.

You may have a named condition such as PMS or chronic fatigue syndrome, or you may be experiencing problems with digestion, allergies, skin, or chronic pain such as arthritis, recurrent urinary tract infections or you might simply want help to resolve an emotional issue, relationship stress or life dilemma. Whatever your issue I am here to help support and guide you every step of the way to transform your life and health.

If you are unsure whether I will be able to help you in your particular health situation, please contact me to ask. I will let you know if I can help or suggest you see someone else if not.


How do you see your life heading with the path you are on?

Are you on a downward spiral?

Don’t let chronic health problems get in the way of living life to the full any longer.

You don’t have to continue to drag yourself through life!

You don’t have to put up with digestive problems, or menopause problems, or headaches or whatever it is for you that just stops you from being at your best.

Are you ready to start feeling well again?

What people are saying

This whole Bioresonance thing seemed very bizarre to me but I gave it a chance as nothing else was helping, and alongside taking on board dietary and lifestyle advice, my Hay Fever has gone, my periods are more regular and manageable and I feel more comfortable in myself.


I came to see Clare for my Hay Fever which was affecting my life every day through Spring and Summer. I had to take daily anti-histamine tablets to try and control it, but even then I would still get symptoms. Since working with Clare using Naturopathy and Bioresonance I have changed my diet and had some Bioresonance treatments and my Hay Fever has almost completely gone. I have not had to take any drugs at all this season for the first time in many years. I think that is a pretty big thing. It was much easier than I thought it would be to change my diet and as a bonus my tummy pains and bloating have disappeared and my tummy just generally feels better as a consequence. 


‘Clare has changed my life in more ways than one.  I have the upmost respect for Clare’s understanding of my symptoms and how to resolve them, along with her guidance generally.  We are on a journey together with my health and I am forever grateful with the progress that has and continues to be made’


I came to you at the end of 2013 feeling very low and unworthy, negative. Thanks for listening, for sorting out my core problems, and my menopause sweats. I am in very good health now, both feeling positive, and ready to tackle anything. Should things change, you know we will be back in a jiffy! Thank you Clare.

Annelize Kidd



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